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Yutong Bus-Africa Yutong Bus-Africa Yutong Bus-Africa

Yutong conducts the first rollover test of school buses in China

December 14,2011


The first rollover test of school buses in China was conducted in Yutong Group successfully. The test buses were two Yutong school buses of 10-meter and 6-meter. The test result shows that the structure of bus body was not damaged after the rollover test.

Yutong conducts the first rollover test of school buses in China

Yutong conducts the first rollover test of school buses in China

Through the tests, Yutong proves that the domestic school bus manufacturers are not only in the position to produce professional school buses, but the safety performance of the vehicles is also quite excellent. From the test video you could see that the structure of the bus body has not been deformed and the survival space was still available. In addition, the front windshield cracked but didn’t fall off, and the rear windshield wasn’t damaged at all. 

Yutong conducts the first rollover test of school buses in China

Yutong conducts the first rollover test of school buses in China

The test result proved that the upper structure of Yutong school bus has enough stability and supporting capability, which could ensure the safety of children.

Yutong school buses guarantee the safety of children in three aspects:
First, the bus body is rigid and hasn’t deformed after the rollover test. If the body deforms, it might not only hurt the children inside, but also affect the rescue work afterwards.
Second, it has large critical rollover angle and low center of gravity. The lower the center of gravity is, the higher the safety will be, thus greatly reducing the overturn possibility amid high-speed riding.
Last but not least, the internal survival space has not been squeezed. After the rollover test, no protruded items jutted out into the internal space and the escape exit on the roof could be opened normally, making it possible to evacuate children when an accident occurs.


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