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Yutong Bus-Africa Yutong Bus-Africa Yutong Bus-Africa

Yutong hands over 10 VIP buses to Ghana

June 15,2011


Ten units of ZK6129 VIP buses were handed over to Intercity-STC affiliated to Ghanaian Ministry of Roads & Transport in Accra, capital city of Ghana, June 2, 2011. Collins Dauda, Minister of Roads and Transport attended the handover ceremony. The handover of the vehicles marks that Yutong brand has once again entered the high-end passenger transport market of Ghana in batch and opened a new chapter of win-win cooperation between Ghanaian Ministry of Roads & Transport and Yutong.

Yutong hands over 10 VIP buses to Ghana

It is learned STC company already purchased 20 Yutong buses, which were in good condition, prior to this delivery.

Yutong hands over 10 VIP buses to Ghana




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