Yutong Bus-Africa Yutong Bus-Africa Yutong Bus-Africa
Yutong Bus-Africa Yutong Bus-Africa Yutong Bus-Africa

Yutong donates 60 city buses to municipal government

April 19,2011


The bus donation ceremony was held at Green City Square, Zhengzhou, capital city of Henan province on April 7, 2011. Twenty-eight Henan-based enterprises totally donated 326 buses to the municipal government with an amount of 210 million yuan, of which Yutong donated 60 buses with a value of 39 million yuan.

Yutong donates 60 city buses to municipal government

Bus donation ceremony

It is not the first time for Yutong to donate buses. On August 23, 2010, Yutong already offered 20 luxury city buses free of charge, with each bus worth over 800,000 yuan.

Yutong donates 60 city buses to municipal government

Web page on bus donation ceremony on Aug. 23, 2010

For a long time, Yutong is committed to benefiting the community, prospering the company and enriching the employees, and has never forgotten to contribute to the nation, the community and the public while achieving the rapid development of its own.

“I’m very honored to have the opportunity to do something for the development of Zhengzhou’s public transport cause,” said Tang Yuxiang, president of Yutong Group. He noted, the public transport is the artery and windows of a city, which is closely related with the daily life and production. Therefore, promoting the urban public transport is of great significance to address the traffic congestion and improve the living standard of residents. “Along with the rapid development of economy, the residents’ expectation on public traffic is becoming higher and higher, which requires the active support and involvement from all sides,” said Tang.  

Yutong donates 60 city buses to municipal government

                   Tang delivers a speech at the ceremony                                   Donated buses being decorated

Tang expressed, as a Henan-based enterprise, we would continue to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the company, help enhance the development of the hometown and make contribution to the charity career. 


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